Impact of Iron Ore Mines generated pollutants on Eprints NML

Utilisation of Iron ore Fines in Alternative Iron making

Extraction of metallic iron from iron bearing ores is the basis of iron and steel industry. Extensive mechanized mining and advanced beneficiation techniques to meet the oxide feed requirements of Blast Furnace, Direct Reduction and Smelting Reduction processes are resulting in gene-ration of macro and micro fines/slimes (washed fines) in various …

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Beneficiation and Sinter Amenability Study of Iron Ore Slime …

The iron ore processing plant at Bolani mines of Steel Authority of India Ltd., India generates about 20-25% of ROM as slimes during wet operation. These slimes are very fine in nature (- 0.5mm) and its average iron content ranges between 52-55%. This material is presently being discarded as process waste due to its inferior grade.

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Recovery of MnO2, values from fine dumps of Dongri Buzurg Mine …

In the Dongri Buzurg Manganese Ore mine of M/s. MOIL, the production of high grade lumpy ores for the iron and steel industry, has resulted in accumulation of about 35,000 tonnes low grade fines over the years. These fines are stacked in the form of unconsolidated dumps. These fines contain significant Mn values, besides creating …

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Effect of flux granulometry and other process variables on …

Elimination of raw limestone from the blastfurnaee burden is known to bring a considerable saving in coke rate. In a country like India or elsewhere, the capacity of the sintering plants is limited it is imperative to produce super fluxed sinter and use it in the furnace. The basicity requirement coupled with the higher gangue input through coke and iron ore …

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Bibliometric and Scientometric Assessment of the …

Open-cast iron ore mining is essential for meeting the demand for iron ore and steel production, it is important to address its environmental and sustainability …

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Characterisation and surface chemical studies on ultrafine iron ore …

During the wet processing of iron ores, a substantial amount of slimes are generated. The slime contains very fine iron bearing mineral particles which are difficult to remove and cause environmental pollution when discharged. In this paper, an attempt was made to study the settling and dispersion behaviour of the very fine iron ore mineral particles …

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Commercial utilization of waste/low-grade iron ore fines in SAIL mines

The use of high-quality iron ore, leaving out low-quality overburden, has resulted in huge accumulation of dumped rejects over the years. Due to limited beneficiation facilities available at SAIL mines the accumulated stockpiles of so-called waste dumps are consuming lot of space, putting pressure on environment and creating pollution hazard.

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Utilization of Iron Ore Slimes: A Future Prospective

In India, iron ores processing industries play a vital role in the Indian economy. During the washing and processing of iron ores, slimes less than 0.15 mm are generated and discarded into the tailing pond. These slimes need processing as they cannot be used directly in blast furnaces. In the present investigation, a typical iron ore slime sample …

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Implication of process mineralogy for beneficiation of low grade iron

Total estimated reserve of iron ore in India is around 23 billion tonnes with annual consumption of about 100 million tonnes, while the anticipated demand by next two years is likely to increase by 150 million tonnes/annum. It is estimated that proven metallurgical grade ore is going to sustain the production of iron for another 30–35 years only.

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Beneficiation of a finely disseminated low-grade iron ore

The gradual depletion of high-grade iron ores due to extensive utilization has necessitated the exploitation of low/off grade iron ore reserves of India. Beneficiation of low grade iron ore is required to make it suitable for industrial usage. The low grade iron ore mined from Gua mines contains 57.6% Fe. At coarser size, liberation of gangue from iron ore is not …

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Classification of Iron ore Fines at Hamerslev Iron's Paraburdoo Mine

This upgradation would reduce the alumina content of the Paraburdoo fines from 2.7% to 2. 1 % A1,0j and the final Hamersley blend for shipping from 2. 45% to 2. 2% Al2O3.This paper examines the background to the decisions for installing this plant as well as disc-ussing the plant circuit and the impact of the problems associated with dewatering ...

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Contribution of mineralogy and texture in iron ore to fine …

Mohanta, M K and Rath, R K and Dey, Shobhana and Kumar, Vinod and Bhattacharyya, K K (2008) Contribution of mineralogy and texture in iron ore to fine particulates in mining and allied industry. In: National Seminar on Environmental Management in Mining & Allied Industries, 2008, BHU Varanasi. Full text not available …

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Integration of iron ore deposit evaluation and mine plan for …

Mukherjee, R and Verma, S and Mohanty, B D and Rao, S Mohan and Suresh Kumar, T S (2011) Integration of iron ore deposit evaluation and mine plan for selecting cost effective beneficiation operations towards improved resource utilisation: Experience at Tata Steel. In: Proceedings of the XII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT …

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Effect of Magnetic Field Intensity on Iron ore Separation …

Due to mechanized mining and present system of washing, iron ore industries facing a problem of huge slime generation.A detailed characterization of the slime generated during processing of ROM,has been studied.This slime is then beneficiated using hydrocyclone followed wet high intensity magnetic separator to recover the valuables. Slime sample …

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Mineralogy of iron ore pellet and its correlation with …

The mineralogical investigation of typical indurated pellets, which were generated through the pelletisation experiments of the concentrate from dump fines of Gua Iron Ore mines of SAIL, has been reported in the present paper. Pelletisation experiments were conducted with the iron ore concentrates (Fe = 65.1%) of varying mesh of grind …

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Sintering characteristics of manganese ore fines from

Gupta, P C and Kothari, S V and Subramanian, N A and Sane, R Y (1983) Sintering characteristics of manganese ore fines from Balaghat and Ukwa mines of Manganese Ore (India) Limited. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Ferro-Alloy Industry in India, Oct. 24-26, 1983, NML, Jamshedpur.

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Reduction of Highly Siliceous Iron Ore

Abstract. We look at the life indices of iron ore, the very long term forecast of iron and steel production and the conseq-uent demand for iron ore made on optimistic assumptions also show that the steel industry can remain comfortable with domestic iron ore supplies, however the life of high grade lumpy iron ore is not more than 10 years from now on.

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Development of hematite ore pellet utilizing mill scale and iron ore …

Iron ore slime is generated from mines during processing and washing of iron ore, and it is not considered for pelletizing due to its excessive fineness and high gangue content, despite its good green bonding property. Mill scale is generated from steel rolling mills and reheating furnaces; it has almost nil gangue content, but is not individually considered for …

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Utilisation of india's iron ore resources— present situation …

India is endowed with large reserves of iron ore. The target being set for augmenting domestic steel capacity in the near future would substantially enhance the demand of iron ore. Considering the short term target of about 120 million tons production, the corresponding demand for iron ore inputs, with Fe content in the region of 62–64%, …

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Recovery of Iron Values from Waste Iron Ore Slime

Iron ore slime (-150 μm) was obtained after scrubbing and wet screening of a low grade iron ore assayed 42.7% Fe with 12.5% Al2O3 and 13.68% SiO2. Size analysis revealed that 90% of the iron ore slime was having size less than 72 μm. The isoelectric point of the iron ore slime was found to be at pH 4.21.The optimum condition was applied for ...

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Agglomeration of Indian Iron ore fines

Blue dust when combined with the ore fines can also be agglomerated by sintering. Good pellets could be produced out of the iron ore fines investigated and fine grinding to about 75-80 %-325 mesh was required for making them suitable for pelletising. Indian Iron ore fines, sintering and pellrtising studies, good pellets, pelletising.

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Beneficiation of Iron ore Fines from Large Deposits of

About 20 million tonnes of low grade iron ore fines have been accumulated and stacked over the years as 'Dump Rejects' in the Gua iron ore mine of Bihar and about 8 million tonnes of generated fines are stacked in the Dalli Iron Ore Mine, M.P., under operation by Steel Authority of India Ltd., (SAIL). In order to conserve and utilise these valuable iron …

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A short review on environmental impacts and …

Increases in the demand for iron lead to the mining of iron ores with lower iron contents, which increases the generation of tailings. Consequently, disposal of IOTs …

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Innovative Development on Agglomeration of Iron Ore Fines

In steel industry and in mines, a significant amount of ultra-fines waste iron oxides and iron ore fines is generated. Utilizations of these fines are required to reduce the environmental hazards and conserve the natural resources. Some of these fines are normally used in sintering practice. However, sintering has a limitation of accepting ultra-fines materials.

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Utilisation of Iron Oxide Waste through Cold Bonded …

India is endowed with large reserves of iron ore. Mech-anised mining generates considerable amount of iron ore fines. Additionally, large quantities of slimes are generated from washing of ores at mine-heads.Further, many coal based rotary kiln sponge iron plants are generating huge quantities waste fines within their works. In addi …

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Adverse effects on environment by the Iron Ore Industries

Singhbhum-Orissa iron ore belt in the eastern India has abundant reserves of iron ore in the form of horse shoe belt. The soft laminated ore, goethitic-lateritic ores, friable ore and blue dust abundantly occur-in this region and are very soft and friable in nature: Large amount of fines and slimes arc generated during mining, washing, crushing ...

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Iron ore Fines and their Impact on Environment in …

Abstract. Sandur-Hospet region has abundant reserves oflron ores from which large amount offines are generated during mining, crushing and screening …

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Characterization and Beneficiation of Dry Iron Ore

Dixit, P and Makhija, D and Mukherjee, A K and Singh, V and Bhatanagar, A and Rath, R K (2019) Characterization and Beneficiation of Dry Iron Ore Processing Plant Reject Fines to Produce Sinter/Pellet Grade Iron Ore Concentrate. Mining Metallurgy & Exploration, 36(2) . pp. 451-462. Full text not available from this repository.

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Beneficiation of iron ore fines by conventional flotation, …

Various iron ore samples drawn from different mines and their mixtures were subjected to the test work. Results of pilot scale tests clearly indicate the superiority of flotation column vis-a-vis conventional cells and dual extraction column. Iron ore concentrate assaying 67 % Fe and 2 % Si02 and AI203 with a recovery of 85 - 90 % could be ...

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Smelting reduction of prereduced iron ore

Investigations have been made to study the reduction kinetics of iron oxide in molten slag by dissolved carbon in liquid iron melt, and the behaviour of phosphorus transport at the slag/metal interface during smelting of prereduced iron ore (PRI). The experimental work included laboratory and large scale smelting of the PRI, While the laboratory studies …

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