definition phosphate rock

The phosphorus cycle (article) | Khan Academy

As the bodies and wastes of organisms break down, they become compacted into layers of soil and rock, returning phosphorus to the environment. Humans influence the phosphorus cycle by using animal waste and phosphate sediments to make fertilizer, detergent, and other products. When these products are released into the environment they can enter ...

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Phosphate Rock Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological …

Phosphate rock minerals are the only significant global resources of phosphorus. The United States is the world's leading producer and consumer of phosphate rock, which is …

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Properties, Composition, Uses, Deposits

Definition of Phosphorite: Phosphorite, also known as phosphate rock, is a type of sedimentary rock that is rich in phosphate minerals. The main components of …

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Phosphorus Fertilizers

Phosphorus fertilizers are manufactured from rock phosphate (Figure 2.2), but rock phosphate itself seldom is used directly as a fertilizer because of its low availability of phosphorus and transport cost. Instead, finely ground rock phosphate is treated with sulfuric acid to yield monocalcium phosphate monohydrate and is known as ...

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Calcium Phosphate Mineral

The effect of carbonate concentration on calcium phosphate precipitation was studied by Song et al. (2002), who found that at pH 8 with a carbonate concentration of up to 5 mmol L −1, the rate and percentage of precipitation decreased, whereas at pH > 9 the effect was small. Generally, the efficiency of P removal by this method is 75–80%.

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Phosphate rock: origin, importance, environmental impacts, …

Phosphate rock (PR) is an important mineral resource with numerous uses and applications in agriculture and the environment. PR is used in the manufacture of …

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What are fertilisers?

Phosphate rock cannot be used as a fertiliser because it is insoluble but it can be used to make fertilisers. Phosphate rock contains phosphorus compounds. When it reacts with acids, useful ...

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Apatite | Properties, Occurrence, Uses

Phosphate rock and phosphorite are names used for sedimentary rocks that contain at least 15% to 20% phosphate on the basis of weight. The phosphorous content in these rocks is mainly …

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Solubilization of rock phosphate by phosphate solubilizing …

Natural phosphate-bearing material, such as rock phosphate (RP), represents a less costly plant fertilization option but is a limiting nutrient in the plant available form (de Medeiros et al. 2019).Therefore, in the manufacturing of conventional phosphorus (P) fertilizer, high-grade RPs are treated with sulfuric acid at an elevated …

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Reserves and Resources DC World Phosphate Rock

of phosphate rock mining and processing has occurred at numerous sites around the world over the past few decades. Vertical integration of phosphate rock mining and processing may be a necessary component to compete in the world phosphate fertilizer market when new deposits are developed.

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Phosphate rock Definition & Meaning

The meaning of PHOSPHATE ROCK is a rock that consists largely of calcium phosphate usually together with other minerals (such as calcium carbonate), is used in making fertilizers, and is a source of phosphorus compounds.

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Phosphate Mineral

Phosphates in general are widespread as accessory phases in virtually every known rock type. Other mineral groups akin to phosphates, form by the substitution of phosphorus by arsenic, vanadium, antimony, molybdenum or uranium. Table 1. Names and chemical formulas of some of the most common phosphate minerals. Mineral.

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Definition of phosphate rock

Definition of phosphate rock. Any rock that contains one or more phosphatic minerals of sufficient purity and quantity to permit its commercial use as a source of phosphatic compounds or elemental phosphorus. About 90% of the world's production is sedimentary phosphate rock, or phosphorite; the remainder is igneous rock rich in apatite. ...

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Rock Phosphate Vs Bone Meal- One-Stop Guide

Determining the Definition of Phosphate of Rock. Phosphate of Rock, like bone meal, is an organic fertilizer. However, it is little more than a clay-based mined rock. So, what exactly is Phosphate of Rock? It's a terrific provider of calcium and phosphorus, to be sure. It has a phosphorus content of 30%.

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Phosphate Rocks | IntechOpen

Apatite is the most abundant phosphate mineral which include more than 95% of al phosphorus in the Earth´s crust. The seventh chapter of this book provides brief description of sedimentary and igneous phosphate rocks and introduces basic ideas for characterization and classification of phosphate rocks. The chapter continues with …

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Phosphorus Cycle

The phosphorus cycle is a slow process, which involves five key steps, as shown in the diagram below and described as follows: Weathering. Since the main source of phosphorus is found in rocks, the …

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Radioactive Material From Fertilizer Production | US EPA

Phosphogypsum, a waste product from manufacturing fertilizer, emits radon, a radioactive gas. It also contains the radioactive elements uranium, thorium and radium. Phosphate rock mining is the fifth largest mining industry in the United States in terms of the amount of material mined. The phosphate industry is concentrated in the …

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Distribution, geology and development status of phosphate …

The world's phosphate ore reserve nearly totals 69.5 billion tons (2019), but its distribution is uneven, more than 80% of which is concentrated in North Africa. Especially, Morocco and Western Sahara are the world's richest countries in phosphate resources, with reserves of 50 billion tons in 2019, accounting for nearly 72 percent of the …

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Mineral Resource of the Month: Phosphate Rock

As a mineral resource, "phosphate rock" is defined as unprocessed ore and processed concentrates that contain some form of apatite, a group of calcium phosphate …

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Understanding phosphorus fertilizers | UMN Extension

Rock phosphate is the raw material used to manufacture most commercial phosphate fertilizers on the market. In the past, ground rock phosphate itself has been used as a source of P for acid soils. However, very little rock phosphate is currently used in agriculture due to low availability of P in this native material, high transportation costs ...

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Phosphate Rock

Phosphate Rock: An Industry in Transition takes an interdisciplinary approach to dealing with the phosphate rock chain and its exploration, extraction, processing, fertilizer making, and storage and transportation. The book treats the subject from a global perspective, giving readers insights into what is happening in the emerging economies of the world …

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Phosphorus and Phosphates | SpringerLink

Introduction. Phosphates, compounds of the element phosphorous, are produced from relatively abundant supplies of phosphate rock. The major use of phosphate is to supply phosphorous, one of the three essential plant foods—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Phosphate rock extraction from its ore, and its subsequent …

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Phosphorite | Definition, Formation, & Uses | Britannica

Phosphorite, rock with a high concentration of phosphates in nodular or compact masses. The phosphates may be derived from a variety of sources, including marine …

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Phosphate rock formation and marine phosphorus

Phosphate rocks, also referred to as phosphorites, are sedimentary deposits with high phosphorus (P) concentrations. These rocks are one of the primary ore sources for P (Fig. 1), which in turn is a critical and non-renewable element for fertilizer production, upon which global fertility depends.The startling limitation of phosphate rock reserves …

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Phosphorite | SpringerLink

Phosphorite (often referred to as phosphate rock) is a sedimentary rock of which the main mineralogical constituent is francolite (carbonate-fluor-apatite, CFA). The above definition excludes igneous phosphate-rich rocks as well as continental deposits (e.g., guano; a few lacustrine deposits) Whereas most sedimentary rocks contain less than 1% ...

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How to Use Rock Phosphate Fertilizer In Your Garden

To use soft rock phosphate properly, always incorporate it into the soil before planting. You can also add it to a planting hole when repotting or planting trees. Adding it to the soil surface may not be as effective. If you have a well-established lawn and trees, scatter the rock phosphate over the landscape.

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Recent revisions of phosphate rock reserves and resources…

Phosphate rock (PR) is a finite mineral indispensable for fertilizer production, while P (phosphorus) is a major pollutant if applied or discharged in excess, causing widespread eutrophication (Carpenter and Bennet, 2011). High-grade PR is obtained from deposits which took millions of years to form and which are gradually being depleted.

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Three things to know about world phosphate rock …

Global phosphate rock resources are assessed at over 300 billion tonnes. There are three main forms of phosphate deposits: sedimentary marine phosphorite, igneous apatite and guano. Today, sedimentary deposits account for three-fourths of the world phosphate rock output, igneous deposits for one-fourth, while guano deposits are …

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Phosphate Rock: Origin, Importance, Environmental Impacts …

Phosphate rock (PR) is an important mineral resource with numerous uses and applications in agriculture and the environment. PR is used in the manufacture of detergents, animal feed, and phosphate ...

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Phosphate Beneficiation

Phosphate Beneficiation. Background. Definition of "Beneficiation": This is the second step in the mining process, after removal of the ore from the ground. Beneficiation is the technical term describing the industrial process of mechanically separating minerals from each other. No chemical changes to the minerals are made at this point in ...

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